sNc from Wales sent 16 Apr 2017
Tiny shop with a fishtank smoking area that is barely 1ft wide to one side. The Bio Widow looked great and only 2 other weed strains available. Hash menu quite good I bought Red Leb for €6 pretty decent. BT was friendly also.
A localboy from Netherlands sent 7 Sep 2013
The shop is a small take a way in the centre of town. It has a couple of very small spots to sit and smoke. The personnel was very kind and helpful. He showed me the menu and give information on the different goods he sold. I decided to smoke some of the organic Bubble Gum. It looked like a normal bud nothing special. The taste was very sweet, just like it supposed to be. I was surprised that the atmosphere was that good in a small place like that. It really is no more then 15m2. At 16:00 to 17:00 it was pretty busy with people coming to buy some bud. Next time I will visit it in the evening, hope to relax some more with less people. Overall, it was a good experience, collected myself a nice piece of weed and friendly people and personnel.
Peter from N. Ireland sent 15 Oct 2010
It's not my idea of what a proper coffee shop should be, having (when I was there at least) a small area that sells hash etc. sort of bolted on to a rather dodgy bar. The weed/hash sold from the shop is top notch without a doubt, but everything has the air of here comes jonny tourist looking to get stoned. Needless to say the staff are functional but listless often shrugging their shoulders proclaiming "who can tell what is strongest, this I like, try this". I've often found that coffee shops that sell beer can sometimes have an edge to them that is not pleasant and Coffee and Dreams is certainly one of those. Don't get me wrong, the smoke is great, the beer is great, the view of the windmill is excellent and there are many benches on the grass verge in front of shop but it just don't have the chill that the general stores has (which has a crackij gwee pub just round the corner) so if ya want decent smoke, good beer and the slight air of watch your wallet then this is your place.
Owen.T from UK sent 1 Oct 2006
A well furnished bar what has a really funny bar man. This guy was cracking jokes left, right and centre. The actual coffee shop is just next door to the bar. When I was there it was nice and sunny so I had to keep going outside for my weed. The dealer was a great guy too. The one in when I was there was also English that was from Birmingham. I got a gram of Bubble Gum for 8 euro a gram and blond hash for 8 euro and then worked my way back into the bar for more jokes to share with the bar man. This place is top notch I know I will be going back.
Jon sent 11 May 2004
Now called LaRoca. It has deteriorated as well.
BAC from Netherlands sent 25 Apr 2004
A great coffee shop.
The weed that I recommend buying there is the Special Mix, which is reasonably cheap, already crushed and has a pretty good taste.
Another great thing about this coffee shop is that you get a "smoke and save" card.
Which means that every time that you buy weed or hash, you get a sticker, and when you get 10 stickers then you are awarded a free Special Mix worth 12 euros.
Me and my crew we use the card a lot, and we are just working to get it filled ;).
Stuart from Northern Ireland sent 1 Aug 2003
Coffee and Dreams was a life saver at times, I worked just outside Leiden for six months during the summer in 2001 and the smoke and save incentive that they had came in very handy towards the end of the week when I was broke. Basically everytime you bought some hash or grass you got a sticker which you saved and when you had twelve you got a free bag of grass or hash. Coffee and Dreams is very friendly and the deals you get are ok. They have a nice conservatory for you to sit in and watch the people go by while you get high. The only problem was that at times it could be too crowded but in general I would recommend it to be the first coffee shop you visit in Leiden.
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