Interactive map of all of the remaining coffeeshops open for business and welcoming tourists in central Amsterdam in 2025.

The map has been shrunk to fit on your device. Please stretch it and scroll to the area you are interested in. Click on any Example shop spot shop name for more details.

Freedom Chapiteau Catch 33 de Republiek Relax Coffeeshop 137 Barney's Coffeeshop Cookies CoffeeshopAmsterdam Popeye Green Place 2 The Store Siberië The Bulldog Rockshop Spirit Bronx 't Keteltje 2e Cheech and Chong's The Plug West Sensemillia De Supermarkt SWED a Snoop Dogg Store 1e Hulp Mr K & Co Flower Power Paradox African Black Star Johnny La Tertulia Strain Hunters Tweede Kamer Kadinsky New Times Tyson 2.0 Rockland Grey Area Amnesia Mediterrane The Plug Utopia Sativa Barraka Abraxas Kadinsky 2 Terps Army Resin Prix d'Ami De Kroon 420 Cafe Babylon Greenhouse Centrum Rick's Coffeeshop The Bulldog Energy The Bulldog No. 90 City Hall Central Voyagers Het Gelderse Goa Green Place The Greenhouse Effect Rock-It The Jolly Joker Solo Kadinsky 3 The Hit Bagheera Basjoe Bluebird Reefer Greenhouse Namaste De Overkant Hortus Het Ballonnetje Hashtag The Bushdocter Smokey Free I Easy Times 2 The Otherside De Dampkring Old Church 2 The Saint Family First The Balboa Family Balou Kooi Hunter's Rembrandtsquare Boerejongens Centre Terps Army 2 The Bulldog Palace Crush The Dolphins Happy Feelings Easy Times Superskunk 2 Get Down To It The Rookies Jan van Galenstraat on Baarsjes map Admiraal de Ruijterweg on Baarsjes map Baarsjes map Kinkerstraat on Baarsjes map Overtoom on Baarsjes map Ferdinand Bolstraat on Pijp map Pijp map Van Woustraat on Pijp map Wibautstraat on Oost map Zeeburg map ACD Home Page
Amsterdam District Maps

Map of Amsterdam Main map Baarsjes map Zeeburg map Oost map Pijp map


You are welcome to print out the map to take with you on your trip to Amsterdam.
If you wish to use it for other purposes then please e-mail me first.

Webmasters please note: these maps are not just scanned images. They were prepared by hand and took many hours of work. If you want to use one on your site then please ensure that it is accompanied by an appropriate credit and a link to this site.