Coffeeshops in De Baarsjes, Amsterdam

Interactive map of cannabis coffeeshops open for business and welcoming tourists in 2025.

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Baarsjes Map Loft Terminator Hunter's Mercatorsquare Aktama 2 Flashback De Bommel The Dream New Amsterdam Ruthless El Marssa Massawa Massawa Millennium Bij Boerejongens West NinetySix Coffeeshop Kashmir Kashmir Lounge (bar) Kashmir Lounge (bar) Blue Lagoon Vondel De Prijs
Map Key

shop spot= Coffeeshop still open for business in 2025. Click on any shop to read all about it and to see a detailed map of its location.

Amsterdam Key

Map of Amsterdam Main map Baarsjes map Zeeburg map Oost map Pijp map


This map shows a cluster of coffeeshops in the west of Amsterdam. It includes de Baarsjes and part of Oud West.

Getting There

Trams 13 and 17 connect Centraal Station to De Baarsjes.

Tram 17 runs along Kinkerstraat into Postjesweg and then turns south down Hoofdweg to Surinameplein by De Prijs. It has stops at the north end of JP Heijestraat near Kashmir Lounge; at Witte de Withstraat near The Dream and at the Postjesweg-Hoofdweg junction.

Tram 13 stops at Admiraal de Ruijterweg near Terminator and Mercatorplein on Jan Evertsenstraat between Hunter's and 156.

Trams 1 and 7 connect to the Leidseplein. 1 runs along the Overtoom and 7 follows a similar route to 17 but turns north up Hoofdweg.

It's not too far out of the centre but, if walking or cycling, be aware that bridges over the canals are few and far between out here! For instance, take few steps out of Millennium and you can see Massawa but there's no bridge over the Kostverlorenvaart, the canal that divides the Old West from the Baarsjes.