Interactive map of cannabis coffeeshops open for business and welcoming tourists in 2024.
The map has been shrunk to fit on your device. Please stretch it and scroll to the area you are interested in. Click on any shop name for more details. Further info at the bottom of the page
= Coffeeshop still open for business in 2024.
Click on any shop spot or name to read all about it and to see a detailed map of its location.
Most of Amsterdam's coffeeshops are within the areas covered by the detailed maps denoted by the red boxes here. This map shows the few shops in the outer reaches of the city beyond the detailed maps. To see the exact location of a shop, click on the big blob and then the Local Maps tab.
GVB is Amsterdam's public transport company. It runs the trams, buses and metros. You can download the original map, without the coffeeshops, as a PDF here: Network map (all day routes)