Smoke Palace

closed coffeeshop in Amsterdam
Reviews of Smoke Palace Number of Positive Reviews 4 Number of Neutral Reviews 1 Number of Negative Reviews 2
Positive Review Humanmike from USA sent 19 Oct 2018
Went in August. It was a comfortable space with decent stuff. Looking forward to revisiting.
Positive Review MinxyMissK from UK sent 29 Aug 2017
Staying next door, so really convenient, but luckily it's one of the best coffee shops we've found. The food is simple but delicious, drinks are reasonable, as is the weed. Outdoor patio and lovely, clean and inviting inside smoking room. I really can't recommend Smoke Palace enough, and the cheese toasties are to die for!
Negative Review Jane from UK sent 27 Aug 2014
I've been to a fair few coffee shops over the years but I have never encountered a coffee shop with such a poor atmosphere and attitude. An appalling waitress we encountered (note, encountered and not met) was incredibly rude. I don't know if all the staff here behave like petulant children and are as poor at customer service but she definitely needs to reconsider her career choice. They're obviously only interested in making a buck. Do not go here. The weed is expensive and there are far, far nicer places to spend your time and money.
Negative Review Jay from Amsterdam sent 26 Dec 2010
I live about five minutes away but I have only been here 2 times. It is one of the most terrible coffee shops I have ever been to. Staff is rude, it is boring inside, prices are very high and I got 1 gram of White Widdow once. It's not great weed and for the price you pay for it, I wouldn't go back. If you are outside and look up at the sign at size of the shop, it looks good. But once inside I was disappointed.
Neutral Review Dangerdanz from USA sent 11 Oct 2007
I ordered Columbian. You know I'm new at buying weed here but so far I guess I've been lucky cause it always seems to be clean and fresh, but here when I ordered some Columbian I got a bag full of stems and it was obviously from brick, reminded me of the crappy Mexican I can get for cheap at home in MN. Nice enough guy, I should of gave it back and asked for another. Next time. But I rolled it there, he thought it funny I didn't mix tobacco and offered me some, also laughed when I rolled it without a filter. I told him a filter was like sucking a tit thru a sweater and he laughed again. Got a small buzz, not great but I actually liked the mild buzz for my walking.
Positive Review Anon. sent 27 Oct 2005
Went to the New York for my b-day & was really happy there. The barmaid was a cute Asian woman who knows her stuff. Bought some White Widow for about 7 euros / gram, bought a beer & listened to my ipod on the outside patio & wondered if it got any better. Really cool place to chill, blaze & let the world just be!
Positive Review Chris from USA sent 1 Jul 2003
It's a small bar with a dealer's area in the back where there's also a few pool tables and arcade games. Although they have a small selection of cannabis and hash (about 4 or 5 varieties of each), the prices were very reasonable. 7 Euro for 1.5 grams and 14 Euro for 3 grams. These prices were for both cannabis and hash. Prerolled hash and marijuana joints were also available for 3 Euro. Drink prices were also very reasonable and the staff very polite and helpful. The lighting was dim and calm for smoking and downtempo music like Pink Floyd, etc was being played. All in all, a very nice place!