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Re: Anxiety Relief Without The High? New Studies On CBD, A Cannabis Extract

Posted: Thu 26th Apr 2018 07:55 pm
by EasilySuede
went to the dental hygienist last week.
took the usual couple of aspirin prior to the appointment
(that sonic cleaning tool can make my teeth feel like
they're heating up, and the sound's a tad screechy)
but this time hit on a vape cartridge too, w/ CBD 15.4%, THC 65.6%.
all of the above combined really took any pain/edge off,
and i almost fell asleep a couple of times
while someone's hand was in my mouth.

Re: Anxiety Relief Without The High? New Studies On CBD, A Cannabis Extract

Posted: Tue 17th Nov 2020 04:59 pm
by kingsizexx
i actually love using cbd oil with vape, it doesn't get u that high but it chills you down really effective, but it is really not good for health, thpught many people say that it is more healthy than normal vape oil. But, when I want to get high and chilly, I love to make a kratom tea and just sit in front of my tv watching netflix. I would love to have some cbd oil that gets u higher than the proper weed lol ! My wife likes to vape, I should buy her some CBD oil as a surprise and film her reaction lol, I wonder how will she act if she never smoke weed before..