Last twelve months / recently:
This here is consistently still providing more or less the best in Eindhoven. Though there are queues almost any time you go there now similar to
The Pink ; particularly since the beginning of this year while this place turns more and more to a shithole(not that it was something else ever at one point ; as it was lacking something while providing quality gear it never was a real top shop to me contradictorily)with focus on selling instead of taking care of the interior and at one point they announced a coming renovation or shit there ages ago.
Would not be surprised they come up with a strictly buy and fly place then but we will see what happens in the end.
Stuff tends to start wietwise at 10€/g now and this is for their 'Killer Queen'(which most probably is just White Widow as they still sell WW joints, sales psychology again - oh my). Usually they do their Amnesia(12€)or Super Silver Haze(13€/g)beside one or two random strains thrown in.
Every now and then there is old Brilliant Haze(14€/g)back which ages ago used to be their 'ultimate flagship' for a few euro less ; now it even comes with the tag 'bio' and probably that's why they think it is ok to sell it for this. Not in my book even though it looks up to the standards of today's so called coffeeshop highgrade. Way too pricy for Eindhoven though. Though they get away with it as they seemingly know about their status and the lack of real competition beside
The Pink as many other shops just could be so much more.
Another comeback is their HiaHia(8€/g)every now and then which, when on, is mostly a sure shot as it was in the past. Recently as the last time it tends to be hashish of mixed genetics unlike back in the day when it was classic goodness but these are signs of times and you can't have it all.
Last time I had it not long ago it was indeed a tasty 'Gerdalla'(sp)with a nice body stoned and a decent up-high, nice enough value.
Their Royal changes more often as a couple of months back it was something completely dfferent as a black not too sticky cream(10€/g then) with stony effects on the more stronger side while it mostly is a brownish pollen with relatively strong body effects and a nice enough high.
Noticed prices seem to indeed depend on quality as it ranges from 10-13€/g which is an example a lot of coffeeshops should follow.
Still they serve Super Pollen(7€)and since a while also Critical for 9€/g which I never even looked at as so sick of it, especially for such a price since other shops offer it cheaper as it is just all over the place. Don't get me wrong if I get it offered at home it is something else as still quite a solid smoke but with a choice I'm good thanks.
viewtopic.php?f=10&t=31950&p=415465#p415465 )
That statement of said reviewer is obviously wrong as I asked someone in the know about it and was told place is owned by the same people since ages.