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Canada To Advocate Marijuana Legalization At UN Drug Conference

Posted: Mon 4th Apr 2016 05:00 pm
by Black-King
The long awaited, much anticipated UN General Assembly’s Special Session on Drugs will happen April 19-21 at (420! Coincidence?) the UN Headquarters in New York City, and Canada is expecting to advocate for abandoning the organization’s longstanding prohibition of marijuana.

Just a month before the important UN drug conference begins, Assistant Deputy Minister of Health Hilary Geller, at the Commission on Narcotic Drugs meeting in Vienna this month, said the new Canadian Liberal government headed by Justin Trudeau will be moving away from American War On Drugs policies, as pointed out by Lanny Swerdlow at the Marijuana Anti-Prohibition Project (MAPP),

The Canadian government plans not only to legalize marijuana, but also to open for safe-injection sites for intravenous drug users and to promote other harm-reduction policies.

Attendees at that conference, made up of government and non-governmental organization officials from around the world, “erupted in applause” mid-way through Geller’s address and gave a prolonged ovation.