The great man himself in 2007
I think most people here were aware of him and his great work.

Even before the ACD had forums, he was very active on the Channels forums and remained so throughout.
We also know him for his own Menus and Who's in Town website, once known as Coffeeshop Froghollow, of course. At various times, my420online/froghollow and, most recently, www.coffeeshopmenus.org.
Some of us had the privilege of meeting him in person at our 4/20 Gatherings in 2007, 2011, 2012 and 2016. He was quiet and dignified. A real gentleman. We will miss him greatly.
I know his real name and now have his address so should be able to contact his wife on behalf of everyone if we want to send/say something.
Lots more to say and discuss but I just wanted to get this thread started.