Poland- VP of FreeCannabis faces 15y for hemp oil import

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Poland- VP of FreeCannabis faces 15y for hemp oil import

Post by Papi »

Translated vaguely by me from http://www.wolnekonopie.org

Importing oil from the flowers of cannabis is a crime according to the Polish legislator. It was made very clear to Jakub Gajewski (Siou), one of the leaders of the Free Cannabis(Wolne Konopie) - for his alleged import of 900 grams of oil for the cancer patients, he now faces 15 years in prison!

The biggest absurd this whole situation is the fact that it's been half a year since the historical decision of the Constitutional Court, which clearly stated that there is no particular reason to keep cannabis treatment banned in Poland. In other words, the rules under which Gajewski might spend 15 years of his life behind bars, are inconsistent with the Constitution! Polish Parliament, however, didn't take TK ruling into consideration and therefore the "lawless" law is doing well.

Ironically, the arrest took place only a few weeks after a media offensive led by Dorota Gudaniec and Dr. Jacek Bachański - mother and the doctor of Poland's first legal medical marijuana patient(5 year old kid suffering from severe epilepsy). The news cruised all over major TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, etc. Everywhere - even in conservative Catholic media - people talked about the need to regulate cannabis-based therapy by law. Images smiling children, which, thanks to cannabis-based preparations regained the strength to live, were shown, as well as sentimental stories of miraculous cures. However, everyone feared putting a serious discussion about where to get the medicine. And the truth is painful - the only way to get drugs in Poland is by breaking the law.

Every day I and my colleagues of the Free Cannabis get emails and phone calls from people whose fate has put up for trial. Their loved ones suffer from diseases for which conventional medicine is not a rescue. Therefore it becomes a stark choice - agreement to certain death, or looking for an alternative at all costs. They know that the effectiveness of the oil therapy is not, as with any medicine, one hundred percent. They know that the administration of this drug for your mother, father or child makes them the worst criminals. Despite this, they decide to participate a prohibited treatment. Sending those people to a uneven fight with government, that sends armed forced to capture them is an absolute scandal and lacks of any empathy whatsoever.

But wait a minute - say "true Poles", supporting national tradition complaining, criticizing and finding holes in the whole - "after all, cannabis does not cure, because if it healed, it would have been in the pharmacy, right?". This is a topic for a separate discussion - in my opinion, if there is even one personed saved thanks to the substance, the punishment for possession or distribution of it is inhumane.

"Dura lex, sed lex" - others say. The argument that the law had to preserve regardless of whether it is rational,is usual nonsense. Let with their Latin sayings and wisdom typical student-neophyte preaching these words will come face to face with the man whose life has been saved by hemp oil . Law is for us, not the other way around.

We are told that we are Europeans and pathetic president of this country even swears that Poland is experiencing a golden age. As for me, making a criminal from a man who dared to help the most needy is an affront to common sense and simple injustice. In the US, pharmaceutical companies are already working on the patentability of nature - for 10-15 years to come to us with the same oil, in a nice box with a few digits more in the price. Judging by the initial results of the study do not be surprised if someone received the Nobel Prize for cannabis treatment. I dare you, that sooner or later the public will accept the fact that patients have the right of access to oil from hemp. It is a pity that the changes in the law will have to wait probably until one loser of the plenary hall at the will feel the rules that prohibit access to medicines on his own skin.

Free the detainees! Quite a reprisal for marijuana!

I will write on a regular basis about the status of Jakub's case. This is my very dear friend, who for 10 years fought with me side by side for common sense in relation to cannabis. The case is still hot and for any detailed information we will wait a little longer. For now, we know that the judge agreed to bail, giving Kuba(abv from Jakub) a chance to prepare his defense case from home instead of behind bars. Meanwhile, people of good will heartfelt plea for the interest of all the saints. The only chance of Jakub is currently PR and meia. Inform journalist friends, write to their representatives at all levels of government, talk about it with family and friends. Over the past few days, the media bombarded us with mercy slogans and charity - now is the time show them in actual use.

Edibles on a plane is my middle fucking name
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