Den from Ukraine (living in Germany) sent 1 Oct 2023
I came a long way to come to this coffee shop and try their product, but the bastard at the entrance did not let me into the store. At first he didn’t like where I parked my car, I moved the car to another place, but even after that the security guard didn’t want to let me inside for no reason. When he saw my Ukrainian license plates on the car, he told me “fuck you”. If the store administration reads this message, I would like to know the last name of the bastard who was on duty at the entrance on September 31, 2003 at 22:00, please tell me his last name for my further actions. Please do not go to this establishment, there is an absolutely fucked up security guard who can attack you.
John from Germany sent 20 Oct 2008
I personally can't recommend this shop, it's not very comfy and the staff is quite unfriendly. Located at Doctor Huber Noordstraat it is in the center of Doetinchem. The stuff is definitely not worth what you pay. No competition for the other shops in Doe.
Will from UK sent 11 Sep 2007
Run down and rough.
Joèl from Germany sent 19 Jul 2005
Small, expensive and real unfriendly.
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